Sydney Entranceway conservation and improvement Darlinghurst Public School


Contact point

Picture of Trish Ball
Trish Ball Director Heritage, Environment and Planning 0455 058 773

The project began as a simple sandstone gate pier repair (stone delamination was a safety risk) and conservation project. The inter-connected elements of the gates and stairs increased the scope and original intent to encompass all aspects of the three original entrances to Darlinghurst Public School.

Two of the three original entrance gates were permanently closed due to the poor condition of the stairs and gates, including; leaning sandstone piers, metal gates jamming, collapsed concrete landings, and heavily cracked stair treads.

“The sad state of the original school entrance gates - crumbling, leaning, and closed – negatively impacted both the function and presentation of the school and denied an opportunity to bring students and staff joy through their daily arrival experience. The restored gates bring vibrancy, care and civic pride back to a very special public school site. Public Works and the Minister’s Stonework Program team are proud to have lead this project so that the school can remain open and safe as a valued community asset.”
Kate Napier, NSW Public Works Director of Heritage, Environment & Planning

Darlinghurst School - Before Photos
Darlinghurst School - Before photos of entrance gates condition

The aim of the project was to improve safety, the original bridge balustrade height varied from 650-850mm with large spaces between loose and missing cast-iron balusters. Later unsympathetic changes needed to be reversed and new work carefully considered by the project team. Collaboration, across all disciplines, was focused on achieving optimal heritage-centred solutions.

The completed work is demonstrative of the robust team discussion, specialist input, and investment in delivering high-quality heritage outcomes for SINSW and school users.

Darlinghurst School - After Photos
Darlinghurst Primary School - After Photos