South Coast Shoalhaven landslips

Contact point

Picture of John Anderson
John Anderson Regional Director 0412 393 480


Major flooding in 2022 along the east coast resulted in hundreds of landslides impacting roads across the Shoalhaven region.

NSW Public Works (NSWPW) were engaged by Shoalhaven City Council to carry out the construction delivery for the project including, tender, site surveillance and contract administration of the principal contractor.

Our role

NSWPW project managed the full delivery and remediation of the 38 major landslip sites, including but not limited to piling, soil nails, gabion, and mass block walls. The services provided by NSWPW included tendering, design liaison, site surveillance and contract administration.

We provided time savings through our certified procurement practices paired with staff with extensive procurement experience. This allowed Council to award a contract sooner than they could in-house.

Our extensive construction and contract management experience also allowed Council to proceed in taking on some of the construction risk allowing for a more flexible and cost-effective construction program which could accommodate quick changes in the case of adverse ground conditions or public concerns on road closures.

Key facts

  • Remediation of 38 major landslip sites.
  • 16 roads affected.
  • 15 designs.
  • 2,333m of treatment length across the 38 sites.
  • 13 months of construction.


The project was completed in 2024 and the renewed infrastructure has been welcomed by Council and local communities alike who are now back to their normal lives, without temporary road restrictions and closures.

The works were completed within time expectations and budget.