Riverina Western NSW Rural Fire Service Aviation Centre of Excellence

Contact point

Picture of Gavin Priestley
Gavin Priestley Regional Director 02 6339 5900


Located next to the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) State Training Academy near Dubbo Regional Airport, the NSW Rural Fire Service Aviation Centre of Excellence is home to four aerial training simulators for personnel to hone their skills in a controlled helicopter, fixed-wing, and winching environment.

The facility will focus on training firefighting aircrews for skills including winching into fire grounds, mapping fire fronts to better target fires, and air operations in difficult bushfire conditions. The facilities use the latest technology including virtual reality simulators to recreate realistic scenarios faced in the live environment.

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Rural Fire Service Dubbo Aviation Centre of Excellence
RFS Aviation Training Centre

Our role

NSW Public Works (NSWPW) provided project and contract management services throughout the construction phase of the Aviation Centre of Excellence.

We were engaged by NSW RFS in March 2022 to assist with the management of the GC21 Construction Contract between Dubbo Regional Council and David Payne Constructions. Throughout the project duration, ongoing working relationships were a critical success factor for the project. Constant correspondence between stakeholders in the project meant that all parties were across each stage of the construction and when issues arose the project team dealt with them quickly and effectively.

Key facts

  • The Centre is the first Aviation Training Facility in Australia that incorporates virtual reality.
  • Features include 4 aerial training simulators, which enable personnel to refine their skills, as well as training and meeting rooms, 2 auditoriums, and 27 lodging rooms. These accommodations, complete with laundry, lounge, and workspaces, support RFS aviation personnel and those from partner emergency service agencies across the state.


The facility was commissioned and received its Occupation Certificate in October 2023 following a comprehensive final inspection by the certifier. As completion had not yet been awarded to the contractor in October 2023 when the principal required the facility for training and accommodation, NSWPW issued an early use notice to the contractor which allowed RFS to occupy the building prior to awarding completion to the contractor.

NSW RFS held the official grand opening of the facility on December 11, 2023. The event was a success, with Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib, Dubbo Mayor Mathew Dickerson, and NSW RFS Commissioner Rob Rogers all praising the quality of work and the benefits the facility will have on future RFS aviation training.

This project further expands NSWPW’s ongoing relationship with the NSW RFS.